Thursday, December 1, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1.  I am so jealous of everyone decorating for christmas!!  Brent and I did not plan very well and our lease is up on December 18.  Instead of decorating, we have to pack and move :(  Bah humbug.  Hopefully next year we are nice and settled and I can go crazy with christmas decorations.  I am daydreaming about it in my head right now...mariah carey's christmas cd playing, Freckles dressed in an elf costume, christmas towels hanging in the bathroom, christmas tree in the corner all lit up and an apple cider candle burning.  Ahh, next year cannot come soon enough.

& because Pinterest is my new obsession and I can't decorate my own are some amazing christmas decorations that I loved:

I WILL be making christmas cookies, though.  Don't you worry - and some candy cane fudge!!

How cute and creative are these??  The only problem I see is that Freckles loves pine cones...loves to chew on them.  Could be bad.

Another really cute idea...and Freckles would not be able to get through that glass!  Try as she might...

Aw.  Brent and I have lived in 2 different apartments for the past 3 years but I'm looking forward to the day that we aren't just renting.  Hopefully sometime soon we can make a cute ornament like that :)  Love it!

HAHAHA - amazing!  I don't think I would go that far because I really love how a traditional christmas tree looks (and smells) but this was too funny to pass up.

I could probably go on for days looking through christmas stuff on Pinterest but I won't torture you!  Although, let's be serious, how can anyone think that christmass stuff is torture?!  Crazy people, that's who.

2.  I am getting my haircut today.  It's always an ordeal for me to get my haircut because it is SUPER curly and not many people know how to deal with it.  I normally leave disappointed but I just found a hairstylist who is super reasonably priced and did a great job with my hair in the beginning of October.  I am going to have her cut it a little shorter this time though so I won't have to go back so soon.  There is a fine line between cute and awkward with my hair.  I'll post some pics tomorrow of the new 'do.

3.  I need an advent calendar.  It is December 1 and I do not have an advent calendar!  What other excuse do I have to eat a piece of chocolate every morning?  I will be getting one as soon as possible.

We used to get an advent calendar sent to us (me and my brothers) every year from our friends in Germany filled with Kinder chocolate.  & if you didn't know, Kinder chocolate is freaking amazing.  Best chocolate EVER.  & you really can't find it anywhere in the US.

(Yes, I have found a Kinder egg - with a toy inside once or twice in the US but it is RARE.  Plus, I like the Kinder bars much better!)

Think I can order them online?

Have a great day, all!

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